When you are looking for a good Michigan Social Security lawyer, or even trying to consider whether you need one at all, you might have a lot of questions on your mind. That’s understandable – not only are there dozens of Michigan Social Security lawyers out there, each of us with our own backgrounds and advantages, but the financial future of your family could be on the line.

The one thing you need to know and remember from the outset is that, when you’re making a disability claim, it’s extraordinarily beneficial to have the right team on your side. That’s because experienced Michigan Social Security lawyers can:

1. Improve your odds of a successful claim. There are a number of reasons that you could be denied a claim for Social Security benefits in Michigan. Many of these, unfortunately, are strictly procedural. That is, if you don’t know the right way to complete the necessary paperwork, then the odds of having your Michigan Social Security or disability claim approved go drown drastically.

Beyond the simple logistics of filing claims, however, good Michigan Social Security lawyers know a lot about the process and criteria involved. For that reason, we can tell you from the outset whether you are likely to be approved, and how to best show what you need to in order put the odds in your side.

2. Save you money. How can a Michigan Social Security lawyer actually save you money? There are a couple of ways. For one thing, attorneys who are experienced in these matters might require fewer billable hours than other firms because of their familiarity with Michigan Social Security law. And for another, most established Michigan Social Security lawyers don’t charge big upfront fees, but can work for a small percentage of future claims.

3. Explain and expedite the process. Knowledge, as they say, is the same as power, and that’s particularly true in working with a Michigan Social Security lawyer. Because we have been through the process of filing for claims dozens and hundreds of times before, we know how to not only expedite matters, but also to explain the next steps to you in a straightforward way.

One of the hardest things about filing a claim for Social Security or disability in Michigan is feeling like you are “in the dark” about what’s going on, and how it is going to affect your future. By choosing the right Michigan Social Security lawyer and having them on your side, you can get the quick service and easy answers you need.

Looking for the very best Michigan Social Security lawyers to represent you in your claim? Contact our office today! We’ll be happy to schedule a free consultation and walk you through any questions that you might have about the process.