We Help Victims of Asbestos Lung Cancer
When a doctor makes a diagnosis of lung cancer, the first assumption many people make is that smoking caused the disease. This may be true, but smoking may not have been the only cause. If you or your loved one was exposed to asbestos, that exposure probably played a role in the development of the disease. If that exposure was work-related, you may be able to take legal action to seek compensation.
At the law firm of Zamler, Shiffman & Karfis, we have been helping people in Detroit and throughout Michigan since 1969. Over the years, our lawyers have helped over 150,000 people and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. We know how to handle asbestos lung cancer cases.
What is Asbestos Lung Cancer?
Lung cancer that is caused by asbestos is similar to any other form of cancer. While lung cancer can be caused by exposure to asbestos fibers alone, in many cases, lung cancer is the result of exposure to both asbestos and cigarette smoke.
Cigarette smoking increases the risk of asbestos lung cancer. Each of these factors alone are strong enough to cause cancer, but working together they create an extremely high risk.
We are dedicated to getting compensation for asbestos lung cancer victims. We put our experience to work to get compensation for medical expenses, including those for diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, as well as for lost wages and for the pain and human suffering caused by this disease.
No Fee Unless You Get Compensation
Our promise to you: We won’t charge one dime unless we are successful in getting you compensation.
The Call is Free. The Advice is Priceless.
Contact us today to discuss your case with an experienced asbestos lung cancer claim attorney. From our offices in Bingham Farms, we serve people throughout Michigan. If you are too ill to come to us, we will come to you.