There Is Only One Cause of Mesothelioma

Exposure to asbestos fibers is the only known cause of mesothelioma, a type of cancer that typically impacts the lungs, but can also impact the abdominal cavity or the heart. Typically, that exposure is work-related.

At the law firm of Zamler, Shiffman & Karfis, our attorneys have decades of experience helping Mesothelioma victims in Detroit and throughout Michigan. We know the products and the companies involved in these cases.

Contact our Michigan Mesothelioma lawyers. We know how to use the law to pursue compensation for people who have been diagnosed with this disease.

Risk of Exposure at Work

In most cases, Mesothelioma is a work-related disease. People can contract Mesothelioma from asbestos exposure that took place in a variety of at-risk occupations, including:

  • Power plant workers
  • Steelworkers
  • Other factory workers
  • Tradesmen such as pipefitters, electricians, or millwrights

We will establish liability of the companies contributing to the asbestos exposure in seeking compensation beyond workers’ compensation benefits.

Unfortunately, workers aren’t the only ones who can get Mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. In some cases, it is the worker’s family member who gets this disease. Asbestos fibers stick to clothes and could have been brought home from the factory or job site, exposing everyone in the household to this dangerous substance.

To make the situation more complicated, the disease often takes decades to reveal itself. A diagnosis of Mesothelioma can occur 20, 30, 40, or even more than over 55 years after the exposure took place.

Detroit Asbestos Lawyers. We Are Here to Help

We have helped over 150,000 people and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. Our lawyers get results in Mesothelioma cases.

No Fee Unless You Get Compensation

Our promise: We won’t charge one dime unless we are successful in getting you compensation.

The Call Is Free. The Advice Is Priceless.

Contact our asbestos attorneys today to discuss your Mesothelioma case with an experienced attorney. From our offices in Bingham Farms, we serve people throughout Michigan. If you are too ill to come to us, we will come to you.